The Body


Stephen King

Chico, whose real name is Edward May, is a character in Gordie’s story “Stud City.” Chico is a disaffected teenager who sleeps with his girlfriend, Jane, in his family home in an attempt to show his father, Sam, and stepmother, Virginia, how angry he is with them for what he perceives to be their role in his brother Johnny’s death. Chico represents a version of masculinity to which the adolescent Gordie aspires, but which the adult Gordie mostly rejects.
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Chico Character Timeline in The Body

The timeline below shows where the character Chico appears in The Body. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7 
...a short story Gordie published in 1970 called “Stud City.” On a rainy March morning, Chico (Edward May) stares out of a window in the room that used to belong to... (full context)
Jane draws Chico back to bed and they have sex again. Then he drives her home through the... (full context)
As Chico pulls out of the driveway, he takes a last look at Johnny’s Dodge. Johnny told... (full context)