The Circuit


Francisco Jiménez

Fito Character Analysis

Fito is Francisco’s cousin who lives in Guadalajara, Mexico, and works in a tequila factory. Roberto is very impressed when he visits Fito and sees that he lives in a house with electricity and water. Since Roberto wants these things, too, he becomes unhappy with the way he and his family live in their little village. Fito symbolizes a better quality of life that Francisco’s family aspires to, which inspires their move to California.
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Fito Character Timeline in The Circuit

The timeline below shows where the character Fito appears in The Circuit. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Under the Wire
Change and Instability Theme Icon
...of leaving, since he is unhappy living in their village. He once visited their cousin Fito, who works in a tequila factory in Guadalajara and who has a house with floors,... (full context)