The Circuit


Francisco Jiménez

Manuelito Character Analysis

Manuelito is a little boy who lives in the same labor camp as Francisco one spring. Manuelito would like to play kick-the-can with the other boys, but Carlos, a bully, doesn’t let him, saying that Manuelito can’t play well. Francisco stands up for Manuelito and insists that Carlos let him play, which shows that Francisco is kind and fair.
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Manuelito Character Timeline in The Circuit

The timeline below shows where the character Manuelito appears in The Circuit. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Learning the Game
Immigrants, Discrimination, and Injustice  Theme Icon
Carlos never lets another little boy named Manuelito play with them, so Manuelito quietly hangs around on the fringes of the game. Francisco... (full context)
Immigrants, Discrimination, and Injustice  Theme Icon
...The game is always the same—they always play by Carlos’s rules, and Carlos never allows Manuelito to play.  (full context)
Childhood vs. Adulthood Theme Icon
Family and Community Theme Icon
That evening, Francisco goes up to Manuelito and insists that he, too, must join in the game of kick-the-can. Carlos protests, but... (full context)
Childhood vs. Adulthood Theme Icon picking strawberries for him. That evening, Francisco doesn’t feel like playing but relents when Manuelito invites him. Francisco and Carlos are pitted against each other, and Francisco kicks the can... (full context)