The Enormous Radio


John Cheever

Irene’s Friend Character Analysis

Irene’s interaction with her friend, who remains unnamed, illustrates Irene’s increasing awareness of the world and her realization that everyone is concerned with maintaining appearances. As Irene listens to the radio and becomes more knowledgeable about the secrets left unspoken amongst her social circle, she starts to realize how highly other people value their reputation and their respectability.

Irene’s Friend Quotes in The Enormous Radio

The The Enormous Radio quotes below are all either spoken by Irene’s Friend or refer to Irene’s Friend. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Appearances, Reality, and Social Respectability Theme Icon
The Enormous Radio Quotes

Irene had a luncheon date with a friend that day, and she left her apartment at a little after twelve. There were a number of women in the elevator when it stopped at her floor. She stared at their handsome and impassive faces, their furs, and the cloth flowers in their hats […] Which one had overdrawn her bank account? […] Irene had two Martinis at lunch, and she looked searchingly at her friend and wondered what her secrets were. They had intended to go shopping after lunch, but Irene excused herself and went home.

Related Characters: Irene Westcott, Irene’s Friend
Page Number: 37-38
Explanation and Analysis:
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Irene’s Friend Quotes in The Enormous Radio

The The Enormous Radio quotes below are all either spoken by Irene’s Friend or refer to Irene’s Friend. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Appearances, Reality, and Social Respectability Theme Icon
The Enormous Radio Quotes

Irene had a luncheon date with a friend that day, and she left her apartment at a little after twelve. There were a number of women in the elevator when it stopped at her floor. She stared at their handsome and impassive faces, their furs, and the cloth flowers in their hats […] Which one had overdrawn her bank account? […] Irene had two Martinis at lunch, and she looked searchingly at her friend and wondered what her secrets were. They had intended to go shopping after lunch, but Irene excused herself and went home.

Related Characters: Irene Westcott, Irene’s Friend
Page Number: 37-38
Explanation and Analysis: