The Girl with the Louding Voice


Abi Daré

Big Daddy’s Sisters Character Analysis

Big Daddy’s sisters visit Big Madam to try to convince her to let Big Daddy come home after the affair with Caroline Bankole. Big Madam is bitter toward Big Daddy’s family because they weren’t there for her when she was struggling with paying bills, managing her business, and raising her children.
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Big Daddy’s Sisters Character Timeline in The Girl with the Louding Voice

The timeline below shows where the character Big Daddy’s Sisters appears in The Girl with the Louding Voice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 54
...voice, Kofi adds that they have guests in the house: Big Daddy and his two sisters have arrived to plead with Big Madam to let Big Daddy come home. (full context)
...her later. She turns to Kofi, instructing him to ensure that Big Daddy and his sisters remain in the reception, because she has called a police officer to the house. Big... (full context)
...the reception door, Adunni can see the shapes of Big Madam, Big Daddy, Big Daddy’s sisters, and the police officer, Officer Kamson. Big Madam orders Officer Kamson to take Big Daddy... (full context)
...might make Big Daddy and her suspects, which incenses Big Madam. Big Daddy and his sisters beg Officer Kamson to leave so that they can settle the matter of Big Daddy’s... (full context)