The Glass Hotel


Emily St. John Mandel

Claire is the daughter of Jonathan Alkaitis and his wife Suzanne. She’s not fully comfortable with her father’s relationship with Vincent, who is five years younger than her, but makes an effort to be cordial toward Vincent. Claire works for her father’s company, though she works on Floor 18, in the brokerage arm of the firm, which conducts the company’s legitimate business and whose workers are not complicit in the illegal activities on Floor 17. It’s Claire who calls the FBI on her father when she learns of his company’s fraudulent activity, and she refuses to visit him in prison after his conviction. When Alkaitis attempts to contact Claire from prison, she responds only with a transcript from his trial in which he confesses to the charges brought against him.

Claire Quotes in The Glass Hotel

The The Glass Hotel quotes below are all either spoken by Claire or refer to Claire. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6: The Counterlife Quotes

In the counterlife, Claire visits him in Dubai. She is happy to see him. She disapproves of his actions, but they can laugh about it. Their conversations are effortless. In the counterlife, Claire isn’t the one who called the FBI.

Related Characters: Jonathan Alkaitis (speaker), Claire
Page Number: 119
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Chapter 11: Winter Quotes

“You know what’s permanent? You’re a person with a really excellent cocktail story. Ten, twenty years from now, at a cocktail party, you’ll be holding a martini in a circle of people, and you’ll be like, ‘Did I ever tell you about the time I worked for Jonathan Alkaitis?’ […] You get to walk away untarnished.”

Related Characters: Claire (speaker), Jonathan Alkaitis, Simone
Page Number: 214
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Claire Quotes in The Glass Hotel

The The Glass Hotel quotes below are all either spoken by Claire or refer to Claire. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6: The Counterlife Quotes

In the counterlife, Claire visits him in Dubai. She is happy to see him. She disapproves of his actions, but they can laugh about it. Their conversations are effortless. In the counterlife, Claire isn’t the one who called the FBI.

Related Characters: Jonathan Alkaitis (speaker), Claire
Page Number: 119
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Chapter 11: Winter Quotes

“You know what’s permanent? You’re a person with a really excellent cocktail story. Ten, twenty years from now, at a cocktail party, you’ll be holding a martini in a circle of people, and you’ll be like, ‘Did I ever tell you about the time I worked for Jonathan Alkaitis?’ […] You get to walk away untarnished.”

Related Characters: Claire (speaker), Jonathan Alkaitis, Simone
Page Number: 214
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