Lenny Xavier is ’s most important investor. He’s a music producer from Los Angeles and something of a slimeball. He worked as a producer for when she was trying to become a pop star, though she ultimately abandoned Lenny and his team when she felt they were violating her “artistic integrity.” Lenny finds Annika’s supposed “integrity” laughable and unbelievably stupid, since he believes the most productive thing a person can do is seize opportunity when opportunity strikes. Along these lines, Lenny’s bitterness toward Annika seems to stem from the fact that in abandoning him and his production team, she deprived him of the financially lucrative opportunity to produce a successful pop star. Unlike many of Alkaitis’s investors, Lenny is well aware of the fraud Alkaitis is committing, and he's even provided Alkaitis with funds to perpetuate the scheme from time to time; in fact, the “Xavier files” are the first documents Alkaitis orders to shred on the evening before his arrest. Sometime during her relationship with Jonathan Alkaitis, accompanies him to a dinner with Lenny and Lenny’s wife . That evening, Lenny makes a number of remarks that hint at the illegal activities at play in Jonathan’s firm, but Vincent chooses to turn a blind eye to the implications of Lenny’s comments. Lenny is ultimately tried and convicted on nine guilty counts for his involvement in Alkaitis’s Ponzi scheme.