The Glass Hotel


Emily St. John Mandel

Simone Character Analysis

Simone is Jonathan Alkaitis’s new receptionist in late 2008 when the Ponzi scheme implodes. She is young, naïve, and struggling financially at the time of the collapse. The night before his arrest, Alkaitis orders Simone to start shredding incriminating papers, which she does, though she hasn’t worked there long enough to know about the firm’s illegal activities. Simone will later serve as a witness in Alkaitis’s trial. In the immediate aftermath of Alkaitis’s arrest, Alkaitis’s distraught daughter Claire tells Simone that Simone is lucky: she isn’t complicit in the Ponzi scheme, and she’ll always have a juicy story to tell at cocktail parties. Simone heeds Claire’s advice, and the end of the novel depicts Simone entertaining coworkers with the story at a party in 2029. That Simone uses the disaster and suffering of Alkaitis’s Ponzi scheme for entertainment and social points shows the small ways people can use others for personal gain.

Simone Quotes in The Glass Hotel

The The Glass Hotel quotes below are all either spoken by Simone or refer to Simone. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11: Winter Quotes

“You know what’s permanent? You’re a person with a really excellent cocktail story. Ten, twenty years from now, at a cocktail party, you’ll be holding a martini in a circle of people, and you’ll be like, ‘Did I ever tell you about the time I worked for Jonathan Alkaitis?’ […] You get to walk away untarnished.”

Related Characters: Claire (speaker), Jonathan Alkaitis, Simone
Page Number: 214
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Simone Quotes in The Glass Hotel

The The Glass Hotel quotes below are all either spoken by Simone or refer to Simone. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 11: Winter Quotes

“You know what’s permanent? You’re a person with a really excellent cocktail story. Ten, twenty years from now, at a cocktail party, you’ll be holding a martini in a circle of people, and you’ll be like, ‘Did I ever tell you about the time I worked for Jonathan Alkaitis?’ […] You get to walk away untarnished.”

Related Characters: Claire (speaker), Jonathan Alkaitis, Simone
Page Number: 214
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