The Glass Hotel


Emily St. John Mandel

Renata Character Analysis

Renata is Olivia’s friend in 1950s Manhattan. She and Olivia share a game of making up hypothetical ghost stories to pass the time when Renata poses for Olivia’s paintings. Renata is at Olivia’s studio when Lucas Alkaitis shows up to pose for Olivia. Renata suffers from substance abuse and dies of an overdose in 1972.
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Renata Character Timeline in The Glass Hotel

The timeline below shows where the character Renata appears in The Glass Hotel. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5: Olivia
Sometime later, Olivia is in her studio painting her friend, Renata, who makes up ghost stories to pass the time. Suddenly, Lucas arrives at the studio,... (full context)