The Glass Hotel


Emily St. John Mandel

Monica Character Analysis

Monica is Olivia Collins’s sister. She worked as a lawyer but is retired by the time Jonathan Alkaitis’s Ponzi scheme implodes. Monica invests money with Alkaitis and gives his name to Olivia when she comes into some money as the result of her portrait of Lucas Alkaitis being sold at auction, though Monica is unaware of Olivia’s earlier connection to Alkaitis. Losing all her savings in the collapse of Alkaitis’s Ponzi scheme in 2008 forces Olivia to move in with Monica.
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Monica Character Timeline in The Glass Hotel

The timeline below shows where the character Monica appears in The Glass Hotel. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5: Olivia
...then, and she was often poor, behind on rent, and needing to call her sister, Monica, for help. In the midst of these troubles, 40 years later, one of her paintings,... (full context)
...good fortune, Olivia rents an old house in Monticello, New York. She sits there with Monica, who suggests that she invest the money. By some strange fateful connection, the man with... (full context)
Chapter 11: Winter
That morning, Olivia awoke to a phone call from a sobbing Monica, who broke the news to her about Jonathan’s security fraud. When Monica’s phone call came... (full context)