The Hiding Place


Corrie Ten Boom

Tante Anna Character Analysis

Mama’s sister and Corrie’s aunt, who lives in the Beje for most of Corrie’s childhood. Due to Mama’s frequent bouts of illness, Tante Anna is usually responsible for running the entire household. While Father tries to pay her for the work she does, family resources are so slight that he often needs to ask for the money back when it comes time to pay the bills. Tante Anna dies before the start of the Nazi occupation.
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Tante Anna Character Timeline in The Hiding Place

The timeline below shows where the character Tante Anna appears in The Hiding Place. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...of the household. Her presence is especially important because Tante Bep has contracted tuberculosis and Tante Anna , who normally runs the household, is nursing her around the clock. To avoid contagion,... (full context)
Soon, Tante Bep dies. Mama and Tante Anna deal with their sadness by redoubling their charitable efforts, and Tante Jans responds by dwelling... (full context)