Minor Characters
Ai’s Landlady
The owner and caretaker of the Island in which Ai stays in Erhenrang. His sexuality confuses Ai, who sees him as a woman, but also knows him to have fathered many children.
A Weaver and Foreteller who lives at the Otherhord Fastness. Ai finds Faxe very beautiful, and sharply intelligent, and is drawn to him. Ai believes Faxe is naturally empathetic and could communicate with mindspeech if he wanted, but Faxe has no desire to learn.
A young man who lives and works at the Otherhord Fastness.
A former Handdarata Foreteller who went on to found Yomeshta. Said to be able to see everything that ever was or would be.
Estraven's Cook
A man who serves Estraven in his home in Erhenrang. Even after Estraven has been declared a traitor, the cook leaves out food for him to take into his exile, a gesture of faith in Estraven’s character.
An Orgota Commensal in the Open Trade Faction. He initially acts as a friend to Ai, but sells him out when the political tides turn.
An Orgota Commensal representing the Sekeve District. He is a member of the Open Trade Faction. He initially acts as a friend to Ai, but sells him out when the political tides turn.
Ong Tot Oppong
A female Investigator who explored Gethen forty years before Ai’s arrival. The chapter “The Question of Sex” is drawn from her field notes.
Commissioner Shusgis
An Orgota Commensal. He houses Ai and appears to support him and his mission, but eventually sells him out when the political tides turn. Ai describes Shusgis as a “hard shrewd jovial politician, whose acts of kindness served his interest and whose interest was himself.”
An Orgota Commensal and Karhidish spy.
An Orgota Commensal and member of the Sarf. He believes Ai is a fraud whose goal is to embarrass Orgoreyn. He actively works to undermine Ai’s credibility and derail his mission. He is also said to be very beautiful.
An Orgota Commensal in the Open Trade Faction. He initially acts as a friend to Ai, but sells him out when the political tides turn.
An Orgota Commensal and member of the Sarf who believes in Ai’s mission. He represents the Enyen District.
A man imprisoned at the Labor Farm with Genly Ai. He is dying of some kind of kidney disease, and the two men spend many days convalescing together. He shares myths and religious tales with Ai, and Ai in turn tells him about the wider universe.
A Gethenian prophet and founder of the Yomeshta religion. He was said to be enlightened at age thirty, from which point on he could see the past, present, and future simultaneously.
A friendly hunter whom Estraven meets as he travels north to rescue Ai from his Labor Farm.
Arek Harth rem ir Estraven (Arek)
Estraven’s brother, who died fourteen years ago. He has a son with Estraven named Sorve.
A farmer and old friend of Estraven who lives outside of Sassinoth.
Lang Heo Hew
One of Genly Ai’s shipmates, who works on behalf of the Ekumen.
One of Genly Ai’s shipmates, who works on behalf of the Ekumen.
One of Genly Ai’s shipmates, who works on behalf of the Ekumen.
Esvans Harth rem ir Estraven (Esvans)
Estraven’s father.
Estraven’s son. Sorve’s father is Arek.