The Man Who Was Thursday


G. K. Chesterton

Rosamond Gregory Character Analysis

Rosamond Gregory is Lucian Gregory’s sister. At the beginning of the novel, Gabriel Syme notices her beautiful red hair and chats with her for several minutes about poetry and her brother’s anarchism. He thinks about her hair periodically over the course of the novel, and in its very last sentence, he watches her cut lilacs (which generally symbolize love and rebirth). Syme’s romantic interest in Rosamond Gregory gives him a certain, constant goal to yearn for, which contrasts with the nightmarish moral uncertainty that plagues him throughout the rest of the novel.
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Rosamond Gregory Character Timeline in The Man Who Was Thursday

The timeline below shows where the character Rosamond Gregory appears in The Man Who Was Thursday. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: The Two Poets of Saffron Park
Order, Chaos, and God Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...Lucian Gregory isn’t serious about anarchism. This infuriates Gregory, but Syme just calmly walks away. Rosamond Gregory , Lucian’s sister, approaches Syme. She asks if her brother is really an anarchist and... (full context)
Chapter 15: The Accuser
Order, Chaos, and God Theme Icon
...notices that he’s in Saffron Park, and he comes to Gregory’s garden, where he sees Rosamond Gregory cutting flowers. (full context)