The Meursault Investigation


Kamel Daoud

A Muslim prayer leader in a mosque and a spiritual leader in the wider Muslim community.

Imam Quotes in The Meursault Investigation

The The Meursault Investigation quotes below are all either spoken by Imam or refer to Imam. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonialism and its Aftermath Theme Icon
Chapter 15 Quotes

I often look out at it from my window, and I loathe its architecture, the big finger pointed at the sky, the concrete still gaping. I also loathe the imam, who looks at his flock as if he’s the steward of the kingdom.

Related Characters: Harun (speaker)
Page Number: 139
Explanation and Analysis:
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Imam Term Timeline in The Meursault Investigation

The timeline below shows where the term Imam appears in The Meursault Investigation. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Grief and Family Life Theme Icon
After forty days, the imam declares Musa drowned and carries out the proper rituals for a funeral when nobody is... (full context)
Chapter 6
Grief and Family Life Theme Icon
One day, Mama forces Harun to go to the neighborhood mosque, where a young imam supervises unattended children. They get into a fight on the way, and Harun falls in... (full context)
Chapter 7
Religion and Nihilism Theme Icon
Harun especially dislikes the prayer hour, when he hears the imam’s voice through the loudspeakers and sees people walking down the street with their prayer rugs.... (full context)
Chapter 15
Religion and Nihilism Theme Icon
Just as a priest visited Meursault in his cell, lots of imams try to convince Harun to believe in God and become more religious. He imagines a... (full context)
Religion and Nihilism Theme Icon
One day, an imam visits Harun and tries to make him pray; when the man says gently that he... (full context)
Religion and Nihilism Theme Icon
Harun tells the imam that he is confident in his own life and the death that awaits him. He... (full context)