The Myth of the Latin Woman


Judith Ortiz Cofer

Judith Ortíz Cofer Character Analysis

Judith, the writer and narrator of the essay, describes her personal experiences of discrimination as a Latina woman and the historical and sociological origins of stereotypes of Latina women. As a child, Judith immigrates from Puerto Rico to Paterson, New Jersey, where she lives in a Puerto Rican community but has friends and classmates who are white. She struggles to fit in with her white peers because of her ethnicity and cultural heritage and feels that the forms of self-expression she learns from her Puerto Rican family do not translate well to the United States. Formative experiences of feeling out of place as a child engender her frustration with stereotypes of Latina women from a young age. After becoming a successful writer, Judith feels lucky to have received an education though gender and racial discrimination follow her into her professional life. Her anger at these racist stereotypes motivates her work, as she wants to use her writing to make the real experiences of Latina women accessible to broader audiences.

Judith Ortíz Cofer Quotes in The Myth of the Latin Woman

The The Myth of the Latin Woman quotes below are all either spoken by Judith Ortíz Cofer or refer to Judith Ortíz Cofer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
The Myth of the Latin Woman Quotes

Maria had followed me to London, reminding me of a prime fact of my life: you can leave the Island, master the English language, and travel as far as you can, but if you are a Latina, especially one like me who so obviously belongs to Rita Moreno’s gene pool, the Island travels with you.

Related Characters: Judith Ortíz Cofer (speaker), The Man on the Bus
Related Symbols: María
Page Number: 148
Explanation and Analysis:

But it was painfully obvious to me that to the others, in their tailored skirts and silk blouses, we must have seemed “hopeless” and “vulgar.”

Related Characters: Judith Ortíz Cofer (speaker)
Page Number: 150
Explanation and Analysis:

It is custom, however, not chromosomes, that leads us to choose scarlet over pale pink.

Related Characters: Judith Ortíz Cofer (speaker)
Page Number: 150
Explanation and Analysis:

I do understand how things can be lost in translation. When a Puerto Rican girl dressed in her idea of what is attractive meets a man from the mainstream culture who has been trained to react to certain types of clothing as a sexual signal, a clash is likely to take place.

Related Characters: Judith Ortíz Cofer (speaker)
Page Number: 151
Explanation and Analysis:

[T]o him, I was just an Evita or a María: merely a character in his cartoon-populated universe.

Related Characters: Judith Ortíz Cofer (speaker), The Man at the Hotel
Related Symbols: María
Page Number: 152
Explanation and Analysis:

Since I do not wear my diplomas around my neck for all to see, I too have on occasion been sent to that “kitchen,” where some think I obviously belong.

Related Characters: Judith Ortíz Cofer (speaker)
Page Number: 153
Explanation and Analysis:

Every time I give a reading, I hope the stories I tell, the dreams and fears I examine in my work, can achieve some universal truth which will get my audience past the particulars of my skin color, my accent, or my clothes.

Related Characters: Judith Ortíz Cofer (speaker)
Page Number: 154
Explanation and Analysis:

[This poem] is a prayer for communication, and for respect. In it, Latin women pray “in Spanish to an Anglo God / with a Jewish heritage,” and they are “fervently hoping / that if not omnipotent, / at least He be bilingual.”

Related Characters: Judith Ortíz Cofer (speaker)
Page Number: 154
Explanation and Analysis:
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Judith Ortíz Cofer Character Timeline in The Myth of the Latin Woman

The timeline below shows where the character Judith Ortíz Cofer appears in The Myth of the Latin Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Myth of the Latin Woman
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Belonging, Assimilation, and Cultural Heritage Theme Icon
Judith, at the time a graduate student at Oxford University, is on a bus in England... (full context)
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Belonging, Assimilation, and Cultural Heritage Theme Icon
Immigration, Education, and Upward Mobility Theme Icon
Culture, Translation, and Universalism Theme Icon
As a child of Puerto Rican immigrants in urban New Jersey, Judith was raised with a strong connection to her heritage, and her parents retained much of... (full context)
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Belonging, Assimilation, and Cultural Heritage Theme Icon
Culture, Translation, and Universalism Theme Icon
Before a Career Day event in high school, Judith struggled to decide what to wear, as she did not have any models for professional... (full context)
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Immigration, Education, and Upward Mobility Theme Icon
Culture, Translation, and Universalism Theme Icon
...the stereotype that Latina women are sexually promiscuous. Further, they materially affect the lives of Judith’s family members and neighbors, who describe being sexually harassed in their workplaces and threatened with... (full context)
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Culture, Translation, and Universalism Theme Icon
Older Puerto Rican women often recall to Judith how, on the island, they used to dress up and parade around the city in... (full context)
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Belonging, Assimilation, and Cultural Heritage Theme Icon
As she gains professional success, Judith still experiences instances of harassment based on stereotypes of Latina women, though less frequently than... (full context)
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Belonging, Assimilation, and Cultural Heritage Theme Icon
Immigration, Education, and Upward Mobility Theme Icon
Judith understands that she escapes some of the discrimination that other Latina women face because of... (full context)
Gender and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Belonging, Assimilation, and Cultural Heritage Theme Icon
Immigration, Education, and Upward Mobility Theme Icon
Culture, Translation, and Universalism Theme Icon
Even Judith, who has multiple diplomas, is sometimes assumed to be a culinary or service worker. She... (full context)