The Overstory


Richard Powers

Alan Character Analysis

Alan is Dorothy’s boyfriend after Ray’s brain aneurysm. He builds wooden instruments and seems to love Dorothy, but he finally decides that he can’t handle sharing her with Ray and decides to end their relationship. It’s left ambiguous whether or not he was also the man Dorothy was having an affair with before Ray’s accident.
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Alan Character Timeline in The Overstory

The timeline below shows where the character Alan appears in The Overstory. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3: Crown him. After his dinner, she finally goes out to have her own meal with Alan, the man she’s now engaged to. (full context)
...Dorothy tends to Ray day and night, only spending a few hours with her fiancé Alan. Finally, Alan grows impatient in his desire to get married and live together, but Dorothy... (full context)