The Overstory


Richard Powers

Mother N Character Analysis

Mother N is a leading figure in the Life Defense Force, and she is usually the woman holding the megaphone during their meetings and protests. She advocates for entirely non-violent activism in the fight against the logging companies. She is killed along with Moses when their group’s office is bombed.
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Mother N Character Timeline in The Overstory

The timeline below shows where the character Mother N appears in The Overstory. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2: Trunk with a man named Moses, and the next day they meet a woman named Mother N , whom Olivia recognizes as the person she saw on the TV screens at the... (full context)
That night Mother N speaks to the assembled group, encouraging those still volunteering and asking for nonviolent protesting tactics.... (full context)
Afterward, a group prepares to sabotage some logging equipment, despite Mother N ’s discouragement. Before they go, Nick paints everyone’s faces in fantastical designs. Olivia takes his... (full context)
...returns to retrieve Adam. He climbs up to the platform and then delivers bad news: Mother N and Moses are dead. Someone bombed their office, but the police are saying that they... (full context)