The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Princess Noreena Character Analysis

A princess of Guilder known for her extensive hat collection in The Princess Bride. Queen Bella arranges for her to visit Florin so that Prince Humperdinck can court her, as she's very beautiful and it would be a politically advantageous match. However, Humperdinck calls the whole thing off when a draft blows Noreena's hat off and reveals that she's bald.
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Princess Noreena Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Princess Noreena appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Three: The Courtship
...they just fired Miracle Max and found a new miracle man. The conversation turns to Princess Noreena of Guilder, who'd be a politically perfect match. Guilder is across Florin Channel and is... (full context) do with packing as Bella packs her wardrobe, travels to Guilder, unpacks, and invites Princess Noreena to visit. The rest of the passage details the voyage of both women back to... (full context)
...Candles blow out, setting a few people and parts of the table on fire, and Princess Noreena 's hat blows off. She puts it back on, but it's too late: Prince Humperdinck... (full context)