The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Prince Humperdinck's "gumdrop-shaped" stepmother in The Princess Bride. She and King Lotharon have been married since Prince Humperdinck was a child. She's a kind, bubbly, and generous woman who is very affectionate with both her husband and her stepson. Because the only stepmothers Humperdinck had ever heard of were evil ones, he often calls her E.S. (Evil Stepmother), though she's anything but. She arranges for Humperdinck to meet Princess Noreena, the princess of Guilder.
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Queen Bella Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Queen Bella appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Three: The Courtship
Prince Humperdinck, Count Rugen, King Lotharon, and Queen Bella meet in the council room to discuss Humperdinck's marriage. King Lotharon mumbles his belief that... (full context)
...cuts in and says that the next 56 pages has to do with packing as Bella packs her wardrobe, travels to Guilder, unpacks, and invites Princess Noreena to visit. The rest... (full context)
Queen Bella runs after Prince Humperdinck, who declares that he's not going to marry a bald princess... (full context)
Chapter Eight: Honeymoon
King Lotharon and Queen Bella arrive at the chapel just after the ceremony. Prince Humperdinck asks them to escort Buttercup... (full context)