The Princess Bride


William Goldman

In The Princess Bride, Falkbridge is a criminal who owns an alehouse in the Thieves Quarter of Florin City. He's been bribing Yellin for 20 years in order to avoid prison, as he's one of the worst criminals in the city. Yellin refuses to let Falkbridge hide out in his alehouse for Prince Humperdinck's wedding, though he's displeased when a brute clubs Falkbridge instead of taking him gently.
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Falkbridge Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Falkbridge appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Six: The Festivities
Yellin goes to Falkbridge's Alehouse with two brutes. Falkbridge is a powerful man and bribes Yellin to keep himself... (full context)
Fezzik puts Inigo in Falkbridge's bed, takes the wagon to the entrance of the Thieves' Quarter for a boot count,... (full context)