The Princess Bride


William Goldman

In the story of The Princess Bride, Yellin is the Chief of All Enforcement in Florin City. He and his cousin, the albino, are the only two commoners that Prince Humperdinck trusts. He's a small and crafty man who's very loyal to Humperdinck, but he becomes increasingly distraught and confused when Humperdinck insists that Guilder plans to kill Buttercup and invade Florin, as there's no evidence that this is true. Finally, on the night of the wedding, Yellin tries to hand in his resignation, but reaffirms his loyalty to Humperdinck when Humperdinck finally lets him in on his ruse: he's trying to frame Guilder to start a war.
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Yellin Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Yellin appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Six: The Festivities
...which complicates things. Twelve days before the wedding, Humperdinck summons the Chief of All Enforcement, Yellin, to talk to him about his plans. He tells Yellin that he's heard from spies... (full context)
As Yellin turns to leave, he and everyone else in Florin City hears a haunting scream. Nobody... (full context)
Five days before the wedding, Yellin waits with his brute squad to listen to Prince Humperdinck speak. Count Rugen is unusually... (full context)
Yellin goes to Falkbridge's Alehouse with two brutes. Falkbridge is a powerful man and bribes Yellin... (full context)
...Humperdinck. She knocks several times and hears him yelling inside. He finally lets her in. Yellin is inside, and is upset with Humperdinck: there's still no evidence that Guilder is trying... (full context)
After Yellin leaves, Buttercup tells Prince Humperdinck to stop lying to her, as she knows the ships... (full context)
Chapter Seven: The Wedding
Meanwhile, Prince Humperdinck summons Yellin. Yellin is so fed up with Humperdinck's nonsense that he has a resignation letter in... (full context)
Prince Humperdinck is stumped, as he'd planned on installing Yellin as the leader of Guilder after the war. He decides to let Yellin in on... (full context), on fire, yelling that he's the Dread Pirate Roberts and won't leave any survivors. Yellin is very upset about this, especially when the brute squad starts to panic and scream. (full context)
Chapter Eight: Honeymoon
Yellin realizes there's nothing he can do, so he grabs the key to the castle and... (full context) face with the brute squad. Westley says he's out of ideas but Buttercup approaches Yellin. She commands Yellin to go save Humperdinck and says that she's the queen. At this,... (full context)
Buttercup's Baby: 3. Buttercup and Westley
Going back in time a few minutes, Prince Humperdinck, Yellin, and the brute squad sneak quietly towards their quarry. Humperdinck notices how beautiful the trees... (full context)