The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Miracle Max Character Analysis

The former miracle man for the Florinese royalty in the tale of The Princess Bride. Though he's quite old and has been married to his wife, Valerie, for 80 years, it's unclear exactly how old he is. He lost his confidence after King Lotharon fired him and, until Fezzik and Inigo bring him Westley, he refuses to perform magic or miracles. Valerie talks him into helping Fezzik and Inigo after she hears that Westley wants to return to life because of true love, though Max does make a small mistake with his pill and only gives Westley 40 minutes instead of an hour of life.
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Miracle Max Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Miracle Max appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Three: The Courtship
...husband. She notes that Lotharon is doing better these days because they just fired Miracle Max and found a new miracle man. The conversation turns to Princess Noreena of Guilder, who'd... (full context)
Chapter Seven: The Wedding
Miracle Max yells at whoever's at his door to go away, but Fezzik explains that he's on... (full context)
Max's wife, Valerie, is downstairs cooking hot chocolate. She's not actually a witch, but since every... (full context)
Valerie listens at the door as Max insists that Fezzik's 65 gold pieces isn't enough and hurries downstairs to “belch his witch.”... (full context)
While they wait for Westley's answer, Max asks Inigo if Westley was ticklish, as tickling can bring people back from the dead.... (full context)
When Max and Valerie learn that Inigo needs a “fighting corpse,” they say their miracle won't work... (full context) move the wedding from 6:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. just in case. Meanwhile, Miracle Max realizes that he didn't make the pill properly and it'll only work for 40 minutes,... (full context)
Buttercup’s Baby: An Explanation
...out lots of material about Westley's terrible childhood and how King Lotharon went to Miracle Max after Humperdinck's birth, as he knew Humperdinck was a monster and wanted Max to change... (full context)
Buttercup's Baby: 3. Buttercup and Westley the Zoo of Death, and says that he and Inigo got Westley to Miracle Max. This makes Pierre feel better. He asks how dead Max said Westley was and if... (full context)