The Queen’s Gambit


Walter Tevis

Mr. Wheatley Character Analysis

Allston Wheatley is Beth’s adopted father and Mrs. Wheatley’s husband. While Mrs. Wheatley is very excited about the prospect of adopting Beth, Mr. Wheatley is completely indifferent. He often goes on long business trips, until one day he goes to Denver and never returns. Afterwards, Beth only contacts him when Mrs. Wheatley dies, and when she buys their house in Kentucky from him. He feels that he has no connection to Beth, barely viewing her as his daughter.
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Mr. Wheatley Character Timeline in The Queen’s Gambit

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Wheatley appears in The Queen’s Gambit. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
...into the office to meet with an excited woman and a disinterested man—Mrs. Wheatley and Mr. Wheatley . Mrs. Deardorff explains that Beth is at the top of her class, but she... (full context)
...that Jolene didn’t get adopted. The next day, Mrs. Deardorff goes out with Beth when Mr. Wheatley and Mrs. Wheatley come to pick her up. Mr. Shaibel is also there. Beth wants... (full context)
When Beth arrives at the Wheatley home, Mr. Wheatley goes upstairs, comes down with a suitcase, and immediately leaves for Denver on business. Mrs.... (full context) school, and Mrs. Wheatley assures them that she’s adjusting great. She also says that Mr. Wheatley is getting to spend a lot of time with her, he just couldn’t make it... (full context)
At home, Mrs. Wheatley explains that Mr. Wheatley has been detained on one of his trips, and she doesn’t know when he’ll be... (full context)
Chapter 4
...reacts, telling Beth to get pads from her bedside table. She also tells Beth that Mr. Wheatley is indefinitely detained in the Southwest. Beth asks if they will send her back to... (full context)
Chapter 9
With the manager’s help, Beth tracks down Mr. Wheatley to tell him that Mrs. Wheatley died. He doesn’t recognize Beth’s voice at first and... (full context)
Chapter 12
...arranged for the deed to the house. She calls him, and he tells her that Mr. Wheatley has changed his mind about giving her the house and that he wants to sell... (full context)
Mr. Wheatley and Chennault arrive in the house, and Chennault speaks for Mr. Wheatley, who can’t even... (full context)
...up the house. But the next day, she grows angry again at having to pay Mr. Wheatley so much for it. (full context)