The Razor’s Edge

The Razor’s Edge


W. Somerset Maugham

Father Ensheim Character Analysis

Father Ensheim is a Benedictine monk who is a fellow boarder at the house where Larry stays in Bonn. Father Ensheim is a former philosophy teacher, and he and Larry discuss philosophy together. Sensing Larry’s interest and curiosity, Father Ensheim invites Larry to his monastery. Larry accepts and lives in the monastery for three months but is ultimately unsatisfied with the monks’ teachings, especially with regard to the problem of evil. From the monastery, Larry travels to Spain and then to India.
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Father Ensheim Character Timeline in The Razor’s Edge

The timeline below shows where the character Father Ensheim appears in The Razor’s Edge. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 6, Chapter 3
Wisdom and the Meaning of Life Theme Icon
Truth and the Problem of Evil   Theme Icon
...who was once married to a university professor. His fellow boarder is a Benedictine monk, Father Ensheim , on leave from the monastery to do research in the university library. The monk... (full context)
Wisdom and the Meaning of Life Theme Icon
Truth and the Problem of Evil   Theme Icon
...God who doesn’t have common sense. Larry decides to leave the monastery. When he leaves, Father Ensheim tells Larry that he’s a deeply religious person who doesn’t believe in God, but God... (full context)