The Shadow of the Wind

The Shadow of the Wind


Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya) Character Analysis

Father to Penélope, Jorge, and Julián, Ricardo Aldaya is a wealthy, cruel, and philandering industrialist. He runs his family autocratically and his relationship with his children is based on total control and the extent to which they bolster or threaten his own pride. For example, he favors Carax, his illegitimate son, because he’s clever and entertaining; but when Penélope subverts his authority by taking a lover and becoming pregnant, he locks her away and allows her to die. Mr. Aldaya is a foil to Mr. Aguilar, who shares his bluster but lacks his actual cruelty. Mr. Aldaya represents a brand of fatherhood and masculinity that is completely based on power and control, rather than love or understanding; as a parent and a man, he’s a contrast to the less traditionally masculine but much kinder Mr. Sempere.

Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya) Quotes in The Shadow of the Wind

The The Shadow of the Wind quotes below are all either spoken by Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya) or refer to Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
City of Shadows: Chapter 16 Quotes

Sophie refused to reveal the identity of the child’s father…Antoni Fortuny decided that it must be the devil, for that child was the child of sin, and sin had only one father: the One. Convinced in this manner that it had sneaked into his home and also between his wife’s thighs, the hatter took to hanging crucifixes everywhere…

Related Characters: Julián Carax, Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya), Antonio Fortuny, Sophie Carax
Related Symbols: Angels and Devils
Page Number: 126
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Nuria Monfort: Chapter 4 Quotes

It didn’t occur to him for an instant that Julián secretly despised him, that his affection was a sham, only a pretext to be close to Penélope. To possess her wholly and utterly. They did resemble each other in that.

Related Characters: Nuria Monfort (speaker), Julián Carax, Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya)
Page Number: 383
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Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya) Quotes in The Shadow of the Wind

The The Shadow of the Wind quotes below are all either spoken by Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya) or refer to Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
City of Shadows: Chapter 16 Quotes

Sophie refused to reveal the identity of the child’s father…Antoni Fortuny decided that it must be the devil, for that child was the child of sin, and sin had only one father: the One. Convinced in this manner that it had sneaked into his home and also between his wife’s thighs, the hatter took to hanging crucifixes everywhere…

Related Characters: Julián Carax, Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya), Antonio Fortuny, Sophie Carax
Related Symbols: Angels and Devils
Page Number: 126
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Nuria Monfort: Chapter 4 Quotes

It didn’t occur to him for an instant that Julián secretly despised him, that his affection was a sham, only a pretext to be close to Penélope. To possess her wholly and utterly. They did resemble each other in that.

Related Characters: Nuria Monfort (speaker), Julián Carax, Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya)
Page Number: 383
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