The Shadow of the Wind

The Shadow of the Wind


Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Mr. Aguilar Character Analysis

Mr. Aguilar is Bea and Tomás’s overbearing father. He’s determined to send his son to the military and force Bea to marry an appropriate fascist. But unlike Mr. Aldaya, his counterpart in Carax’s narrative, he doesn’t succeed in destroying his children’s lives and in fact eventually comes around to Bea’s marriage to Daniel.
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Mr. Aguilar Character Timeline in The Shadow of the Wind

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Aguilar appears in The Shadow of the Wind. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
True to Character: Chapter 12
Despite his gifts and good temper, Tomás’s narrow-minded father Mr. Aguilar believes he’s “fainthearted and mentally deficient.” He bullies Tomás and plans to send him to... (full context)
City of Shadows: Chapter 21 Daniel proves right. Daniel suggests that she’s only marrying Pablo to escape the overbearing Mr. Aguilar . (full context)
City of Shadows: Chapter 23
...Ignorant of Daniel’s relationship with his sister, he confides that when Bea came home late, Mr. Aguilar screamed that she was a tart all night and she has stayed locked in her... (full context)
City of Shadows: Chapter 26
When Daniel returns to the bookshop, Bea is waiting for him, having told Mr. Aguilar she was going to mass. Both are overjoyed to see each other, but Bea is... (full context)
City of Shadows: Chapter 28
...hands of several real estate firms and now belongs to a financial group directed by Mr. Aguilar . (full context)
City of Shadows: Chapter 36
Finally Daniel calls Bea, even though it’s dangerous to phone the Aguilar home. Mr. Aguilar answers the phone and swears that he’s going to “beat your brains out” and that... (full context)
The Shadow of the Wind: Chapter 1
...says that Bea is pregnant but has refused to name Daniel as her lover, that Mr. Aguilar is determined to find and kill the man responsible, and that Tomás is too angry... (full context)
The Waters of March
...Her family has agreed that there is no other way to avoid a scandal. Although Mr. Aguilar still dislikes Daniel, he says that Bea is “the only good thing I’ve ever done”... (full context)