The Shadow of the Wind

The Shadow of the Wind


Carlos Ruiz Zafón

The Shadow of the Wind: City of Shadows: Chapter 23 Summary & Analysis

Daniel hangs around the bookshop the entire next day in case Bea drops by, while Fermín lectures him that a man must take the lead in courtship. Instead, Tomás arrives. Ignorant of Daniel’s relationship with his sister, he confides that when Bea came home late, Mr. Aguilar screamed that she was a tart all night and she has stayed locked in her room all day. Moreover, their father has promised to break the legs of whatever man she was out with.
Mr. Aguilar’s reaction shows how entitled he feels to control Bea’s movements and relationships, and that his love for her is conditional on her obedience and chastity. He’s a man who takes seriously the comments Fermín makes as jokes, showing how damaging to women this kind of hyper-masculine speech can be.
When they’re alone, Daniel tells Tomás that Bea was with him the night before. Tomás isn’t upset, but seems worried that Bea will get into trouble hanging out with him. He leaves Daniel with a grave injunction not to hurt her. Daniel worries that he has lost his best friend.
Although Tomás isn’t as controlling as his father (or Jorge, who threatened to kill Carax for his involvement with his sister), it seems impossible that Daniel can be both Tomás’s friend and Bea’s lover. Tomás seems to perceive Daniel as intruding on his property, even though his own relationship with Bea is obviously platonic.
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