The Third Level


Jack Finney

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Third Level makes teaching easy.
Louisa is Charley’s wife. She is supportive of Charley and dislikes some of Sam’s hypotheses about him, such as Sam’s suggestion that Charley is unhappy. Even so, she is initially on Sam’s side and does not want Charley to look for the third level again after hearing about his initial experience there. However, this soon changes after she and Charley discover that Sam has made it to 1894 via the third level. After learning this, she helps Charley resume his search for the third level, suggesting that she, too, longs to escape modernity for the past.

Louisa Quotes in The Third Level

The The Third Level quotes below are all either spoken by Louisa or refer to Louisa. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Modernity and Nostalgia Theme Icon
The Third Level Quotes

I told him about the third level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a waking-dream wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all the rest of it, and that I just want to escape. Well, hell, who doesn’t? Everyone I know wants to escape, but they don’t wander down into any third level at Grand Central Station.

Related Characters: Charley (speaker), Charley’s Psychiatrist (Sam), Louisa
Related Symbols: Grand Central Station
Page Number: 11
Explanation and Analysis:

Charley, it’s true; I found the third level! I’ve been here two weeks, and right now, down the street at the Daly’s, someone is playing a piano, and they’re all out on the front porch singing, “Seeing Nellie home.” And I’m invited over for lemonade. Come on back, Charley and Louisa. Keep looking till you find the third level! It’s worth it, believe me!

Related Characters: Charley’s Psychiatrist (Sam) (speaker), Charley, Louisa
Related Symbols: Galesburg, Illinois
Page Number: 16
Explanation and Analysis:
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Louisa Quotes in The Third Level

The The Third Level quotes below are all either spoken by Louisa or refer to Louisa. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Modernity and Nostalgia Theme Icon
The Third Level Quotes

I told him about the third level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a waking-dream wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all the rest of it, and that I just want to escape. Well, hell, who doesn’t? Everyone I know wants to escape, but they don’t wander down into any third level at Grand Central Station.

Related Characters: Charley (speaker), Charley’s Psychiatrist (Sam), Louisa
Related Symbols: Grand Central Station
Page Number: 11
Explanation and Analysis:

Charley, it’s true; I found the third level! I’ve been here two weeks, and right now, down the street at the Daly’s, someone is playing a piano, and they’re all out on the front porch singing, “Seeing Nellie home.” And I’m invited over for lemonade. Come on back, Charley and Louisa. Keep looking till you find the third level! It’s worth it, believe me!

Related Characters: Charley’s Psychiatrist (Sam) (speaker), Charley, Louisa
Related Symbols: Galesburg, Illinois
Page Number: 16
Explanation and Analysis: