The Wars

The Wars


Timothy Findley

Major Ralph Terry Character Analysis

One of the soldiers recovering at St. Aubyn’s convalescence hospital. Major Terry initially has a romantic relationship with Barbara d’Orsey, but Barbara loses interest in him when Robert Ross arrives. Juliet d’Orsey mischievously puts a Pin the Tail on the Donkey game under Major Terry’s door after she overhears Barbara call him a jackass. Major Terry, thinking this was Barbara’s doing, is humiliated and leaves St. Aubyn’s soon after.
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Major Ralph Terry Character Timeline in The Wars

The timeline below shows where the character Major Ralph Terry appears in The Wars. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 4
Loss of Innocence Theme Icon
Juliet’s sister Barbara, who is interested in another soldier at the abbey named Major Terry , is also drawn to Robert. Juliet sees Barbara leaving Major Terry’s room one night,... (full context)