The Wars

The Wars


Timothy Findley

The second child of the Marquis and Marchioness of St. Aubyn’s, who own St. Aubyn’s abbey in London. He is the brother of Juliet, Barbara, Clive, and Temple d’Orsey. Like Clive, Michael fights in World War I and returns to St. Aubyn’s to rest. He finds Clive’s pacifist friends detestable, believing that they ruin the morale of the war effort.
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Michael d’Orsey Character Timeline in The Wars

The timeline below shows where the character Michael d’Orsey appears in The Wars. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 4
Trauma and War Theme Icon
...Aubyn’s with a large group of friends, all of whom are pacifists. Their other brother, Michael, hates these friends and fights with Clive because he believes they are hurting the morale... (full context)