The Wasp Factory


Iain Banks

Sacrifice Pole

A series of poles Frank has set up around the island. He gives them power by urinating on them and decorating them with pieces of dead animals. He believes they act as guard posts and… read analysis of Sacrifice Pole

Wasp Factory

A contraption Frank has created that answers questions about the world. Frank releases a wasp into the factory when he needs an answer, and depending on how it moves through the contraption, he infers a… read analysis of Wasp Factory


A slingshot. Frank’s first catapult, which is broken in a fight with a buck, is the Black Destroyer. read analysis of Catapult

Black Destroyer

Frank’s catapult. The Black Destroyer itself is destroyed in a fight with a rabbit early in the novel. read analysis of Black Destroyer

War Bag

Frank’s bag of supplies. It generally contains weapons and bombs, but depending on the occasion he will also add food, medicine, or his camera. read analysis of War Bag
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Rabbit Grounds

A patch of hillside in which rabbits burrow. read analysis of Rabbit Grounds


A male rabbit. read analysis of Buck


A poisonous snake. read analysis of Adder

The Killer

A young tree that Frank has converted into an enormous catapult. He primarily uses it to kill small rodents by firing them across the river to the mainland. read analysis of The Killer

The Bunker

An old concrete pillbox guard post, which formerly housed a machine gun. Frank has repaired the rusted door and converted it into a kind of shrine. Inside, he has filled it with candles and the… read analysis of The Bunker


A type of explosive. Used by the British Army instead of gunpowder. read analysis of Cordite

The Skull Grounds

The hills behind Frank’s home where Old Saul was buried. It has since become an all-purpose pet graveyard. read analysis of The Skull Grounds


A chemical compound. Taken orally, it reduces a person’s sex drive. read analysis of KBr/Bromide