The Wasp Factory


Iain Banks

A type of explosive. Used by the British Army instead of gunpowder.
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Cordite Term Timeline in The Wasp Factory

The timeline below shows where the term Cordite appears in The Wasp Factory. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: In the Bunker
Ritual and Superstition  Theme Icon
Control, Violence, and Power Theme Icon
...his mixture of sugar and weed killer. He wishes he could use some of the cordite his father keeps locked in the cellar, but it is off limits. The explosive was... (full context)
Chapter 11: The Prodigal
Control, Violence, and Power Theme Icon
Family and Friendship  Theme Icon
Sanity and Insanity  Theme Icon
...into the night. Frank retrieves the torch, which managed not to light any of the cordite in the cellar on fire. However, a burning sheep has collided with the shed where... (full context)