Written on the Body


Jeanette Winterson

Desire, Infidelity, and Love Theme Analysis

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Infidelity is a central theme of Written on the Body. Not only does the anonymous, genderless narrator enter into a passionate love affair with a married woman (Louise), but the affair also starts while the narrator is in a relationship with another woman (Jacqueline). The narrator freely admits to having frequently been involved in these kinds of illicit affairs, and often with married women who often claimed that they had never considered committing adultery before meeting the narrator. The narrator is flattered by these kinds of confessions but also acknowledges the real, unspoken reason behind the women’s unfaithfulness: “Boredom.” But while these passages highlight the already commonly made associations between infidelity and dissatisfaction in a relationship, Winterson’s novel delves even more deeply into the dynamics of infidelity, highlighting the interaction between infidelity, desire, and love.

Unlike the married women the narrator has been with, both the narrator and Louise admit to premeditating their actions. In Louise’s case, she was obsessed with the narrator for two years before orchestrating their meeting. And the narrator spent months having romantic thoughts about Louise before giving into them. But significantly, the narrator acknowledges that those thoughts “already altered [their] world and Jacqueline’s world forever” long before she and Louise even got together. In this way, the novel places desire at the heart of infidelity. At the same time, it suggests that desire is itself a form of betrayal with its own repercussions. Knowing from experience that formal commitments, like marriage, are ultimately no match for desire, the narrator concludes that love is “the only proper reason to resist temptation.” Understanding love’s power to quell desire, the novel considers the question of what love really is, even attempting to define it as a series of actions and postures toward the beloved: to love is perhaps “to cherish [...] adore [..] make way for” the other. But by consistently reframing these considerations within the context of infidelity—and in particular, the question of desire—Written on the Body ultimately suggests that love and desire are fundamentally, paradoxically intertwined. While desire for another can threaten committed romantic relationships, the novel suggests that desire is simultaneously the root of love—the “desire for one another above all else.”

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Desire, Infidelity, and Love Quotes in Written on the Body

Below you will find the important quotes in Written on the Body related to the theme of Desire, Infidelity, and Love .
Part 1 Quotes

I didn’t say any of that, I mumbled something about yes as usual but things had changed. THINGS HAD CHANGED, what an arsehole comment, I had changed things. Things don’t change, they’re not like the seasons moving on a diurnal round. People change things. There are victims of change but not victims of things. Why do I collude in this mis-use of language? I can’t make it easier for Jacqueline however I put it. I can make it a bit easier for me and I suppose that’s what I’m doing.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Jacqueline
Page Number: 56-57
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The wise old hands who advocate a sensible route, not too much passion, not too much sex, plenty of greens and an early night, don’t recognize this as a possible ending. They don’t imagine that to choose sensibly is to set a time-bomb under yourself. They don’t imagine you are ripe for the cutting, waiting for your chance at life. They don’t think of the wreckage an exploding life will cause. It’s not in their rule book even though it happens again and again. Settle down, feet under the table. She’s a nice girl, he’s a nice boy. It’s the clichés that cause the trouble.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Jacqueline
Page Number: 71
Explanation and Analysis:

I’m not the kind who can replace love with convenience or passion with pick-ups. I don’t want slippers at home and dancing shoes in a little bed-sit round the block. That’s how it’s done isn’t it? Package up your life with supermarket efficiency, don’t mix the heart with the liver.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Jacqueline
Page Number: 71
Explanation and Analysis:

I never used to think about my previous girlfriends until I took up with Jacqueline. I never had the time. With Jacqueline I settled into a parody of the sporting colonel, the tweedy cove with a line-up of trophies and a dozen reminiscences. I have caught myself fancying a glass of sherry and a little mental dalliance with Inge, Catherine, Bathsheba, Judith, Estelle…

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Jacqueline, Bathsheba, Inge
Page Number: 77
Explanation and Analysis:

When I say ‘I will be true to you’ I must mean it in spite of the formalities, instead of the formalities. If I commit adultery in my heart then I have lost you a little. The bright vision of your face will blur. I may not notice this one or twice, I may pride myself on having enjoyed those fleshy excursions in the most cerebral way. Yet I will have blunted that sharp flint that sparks between us, our desire for one another above all else.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal
Page Number: 79
Explanation and Analysis:

Louise and I were held by a single loop of love. The cord passing around our bodies had no sharp twists or sinister turns. Our wrists were not tied and there was no noose about our necks.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal
Page Number: 88
Explanation and Analysis:

“It will help him save face,” you said. “Adultery is for cuckolds. Unreasonable behavior is for martyrs. A mad wife is better than a bad wife. What will he tell his friends?”

Related Characters: Louise Rosenthal (speaker), Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 99
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 6 Quotes

I miss you Louise. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. What then kills love? Only this: Neglect. Not to see you when you stand before me. Not to think of you in the little things. Not to make the road wide for you, the table spread for you. To choose you out of habit not desire, to pass the flower seller without a thought.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal
Page Number: 187
Explanation and Analysis: