Written on the Body


Jeanette Winterson

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The body plays a central role in Jeanette Winterson’s psycho-spiritual and philosophical explorations of love in Written on the Body. The novel, which tells the story of the narrator’s love affair with a married woman named Louise, delves deeply into the sensual aspects of love, illustrating how love often finds its truest expression through the body. Indeed, the narrator’s love for Louise is inextricable from the intensely physical nature of their relationship. The depth of their intimacy is not communicated verbally—rather, it manifests as a “secret code” that is “written on the body” and slowly deciphered through physical touch. As the novel shows, this kind of intimacy is transformative and leaves behind its own imprint: “Your hand prints are all over my body. Your flesh is my flesh. You deciphered me and now I am plain to read.” The body is also central to the narrator’s processing of grief in the wake of the relationship’s abrupt end, and the novel illustrates how the body itself serves as a site of memory, a “palimpsest” of accumulated experiences. In particular, it shows how the “physical memory” housed in the body opens a channel to the past one creates in one’s mind. As part of this grieving process, the narrator becomes obsessed with anatomy, and the “clinical language” of medical textbooks offer an additional avenue to “go on knowing” Louise. Through the narrator’s interpretation of the body as both a vehicle for emotional intimacy and a vital link between past and present, the novel illustrates the critical role the body plays as a person navigates the world and tries to make sense of their relationships and their life.

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The Body Quotes in Written on the Body

Below you will find the important quotes in Written on the Body related to the theme of The Body.
Part 1 Quotes

Written on the body is a secret code only visible in certain lights; the accumulations of a lifetime gather there. In places the palimpsest is so heavily worked that the letters feel like braille. I like to keep my body rolled up away from prying eyes. Never unfold too much, tell the whole story. I didn’t know that Louise would have reading hands. She has translated me into her own book.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal
Page Number: 89
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Part 2: The Cells, Tissues, Systems and Cavities of the Body Quotes

As I embalm you in my memory, the first thing I shall do is to hook out your brain through your accommodating orifices. Now that I have lost you I cannot allow you to develop, you must be a photograph and not a poem. You must be rid of life as I am rid of life. We shall sink together you and I, down, down into the dark voids where once the vital organs were.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 119
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Part 3: The Skin Quotes

I’m living on my memories like a cheap has-been. I’ve been sitting in this chair by the fire, my hand on the cat, talking aloud, fool-ramblings. There’s a doctor’s textbook fallen open on the floor. To me it’s a book of spells.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 124-125
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Part 4: The Skeleton Quotes

Bone of my bone. Flesh of my flesh. To remember you it’s my own body I touch. The physical memory blunders through the doors the mind has tried to seal. A skeleton key to Bluebeard’s chamber. The bloody key that unlocks pain. Wisdom says forget, the body howls. The bolts of your collar bone undo me. Thus she was, here and here.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 129-130
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Part 5: The Special Senses Quotes

All other colors are absorbed. The dull tinges of the day never penetrate my blackened skull. I live in four blank walls like an anchorite. You were a brightly lit room and I shut the door. You were a coat of many colours wrestled into the dirt.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 138
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