Zoot Suit


Luis Valdez

Tommy Roberts Character Analysis

Tommy Roberts is a member of the 38th Street Gang. Unlike the other members, though, Tommy is white. However, he closely identifies with the pachuco lifestyle, seeing the Chicano community as his own because he has grown up speaking Spanish and spending all of his time with Henry and the others.

Tommy Roberts Quotes in Zoot Suit

The Zoot Suit quotes below are all either spoken by Tommy Roberts or refer to Tommy Roberts. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism, Nationalism, and Scapegoating Theme Icon
Act 1, Scene 6: The People’s Lawyer Quotes

GEORGE: […] The problem seems to be that I look like an Anglo to you. What if I were to tell you that I had Spanish blood in my veins? That my roots go back to Spain, just like yours? What if I’m an Arab? What if I’m a Jew? What difference does it make? The question is, will you let me help you?

Related Characters: George Shearer (speaker), Henry Reyna, Joey Castro, Smiley Torres, Tommy Roberts
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 2: The Letters Quotes

TOMMY: […] I don’t want to be treated any different than the rest of the batos, see? And don’t expect me to talk to you like some square An­glo [...]. You just better find out what it means to be Chicano, and it better be pretty damn quick.


I also know that I’m in here just be­ cause I hung around with Mexicans ... or pachucos. Well, just remember this, Alicia ... I grew up right alongside most of these batos, and I’m pachuco too.

Related Characters: Tommy Roberts (speaker), Henry Reyna, Alice Bloomfield
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis:
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Tommy Roberts Quotes in Zoot Suit

The Zoot Suit quotes below are all either spoken by Tommy Roberts or refer to Tommy Roberts. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism, Nationalism, and Scapegoating Theme Icon
Act 1, Scene 6: The People’s Lawyer Quotes

GEORGE: […] The problem seems to be that I look like an Anglo to you. What if I were to tell you that I had Spanish blood in my veins? That my roots go back to Spain, just like yours? What if I’m an Arab? What if I’m a Jew? What difference does it make? The question is, will you let me help you?

Related Characters: George Shearer (speaker), Henry Reyna, Joey Castro, Smiley Torres, Tommy Roberts
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 2, Scene 2: The Letters Quotes

TOMMY: […] I don’t want to be treated any different than the rest of the batos, see? And don’t expect me to talk to you like some square An­glo [...]. You just better find out what it means to be Chicano, and it better be pretty damn quick.


I also know that I’m in here just be­ cause I hung around with Mexicans ... or pachucos. Well, just remember this, Alicia ... I grew up right alongside most of these batos, and I’m pachuco too.

Related Characters: Tommy Roberts (speaker), Henry Reyna, Alice Bloomfield
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis: