Salome Summary & Analysis
by Carol Ann Duffy

Salome Summary & Analysis
by Carol Ann Duffy

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Carol Ann Duffy's "Salome" appears in The World's Wife (1999), a collection of dramatic monologues that reimagine historical and mythical tales through the eyes of women. The speaker of this poem is Salome, the notorious biblical princess who ordered the execution of the prophet John the Baptist, demanding that his head be brought to her "on a platter." Duffy portrays Salome as a powerful, vice-ridden seductress and John as one of her many one-night stands. Salome can hardly recall who John is or what's happened to him, and frankly, she doesn't care. She takes sadistic pleasure in using and abusing him—in a sense, flipping the script on sexist men who mistreat and objectify women.

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