Thetis Summary & Analysis
by Carol Ann Duffy

Thetis Summary & Analysis
by Carol Ann Duffy

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Carol Ann Duffy published "Thetis" in The World's Wife, her 1999 collection of dramatic monologues that retell famous stories and myths from the perspectives of female characters. In Greek mythology, Thetis was a sea nymph who was forced to marry the mortal Peleus, with whom she had a son (Achilles, the great hero of the Trojan War). In Duffy's poem, Thetis describes her attempts to evade Peleus's persistent advances by transforming herself into a series of animals and natural elements. Yet whatever form Thetis takes, Peleus finds a way to capture her. Through Thetis's transformations and Peleus's relentless pursuit, the poem illustrates women's adaptability as well as the pervasive nature of patriarchal oppression.

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