Work Summary & Analysis
by Carol Ann Duffy

Work Summary & Analysis
by Carol Ann Duffy

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"Work," by British poet Carol Ann Duffy, links the exploitation of women's labor to humanity's exploitation of the earth. The poem follows a woman working tirelessly to provide for her growing brood, taking on new jobs that chart the development of human civilization—from the advent of agriculture and industry all the way up to the internet age. As the woman's children eventually number in the billions, she comes to represent all women throughout history as well as the earth itself. The woman eventually works herself to death, her attempts to provide for her offspring having drained her "to the bone." In this way, the poem becomes a metaphorical warning against both the relentless expectations of care historically placed on women and against environmental destruction caused by capitalist consumption. "Work" first appeared in Duffy's 2002 collection Feminine Gospels.

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