A Gorilla in the Guest-room


Gerald Durrell

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A Gorilla in the Guest-room Characters

Gerald Durrell

The story’s author, Gerald Durrell, portrays himself as an empathetic zookeeper committed to offering captive animals safety, particularly endangered species. When he acquires the baby gorilla N’Pongo for the zoo, Durrell takes personal responsibility… read analysis of Gerald Durrell


The reader first meets N’Pongoas a baby gorilla, when he walks up toDurrell quite unafraid and holds up his long arms to be held. From that moment, Durrell depicts the gorilla as a character… read analysis of N’Pongo


Nandy is a young female gorilla who arrives at the Jersey Zoo under distressing circumstances. Her backstory, as Durrell explains to the reader, seems to include a traumatic capture. Durrell can tell this from a… read analysis of Nandy


Jacquie is Durrell’s good-humored wife, who is initially skeptical of the idea of buying a gorilla. However, like everyone else, she falls in love with N’Pongo when the baby gorilla arrives. Although Durrell’s account… read analysis of Jacquie
Minor Characters
Durrell’s Mother
Durrell’s mother is a kind and somewhat absentminded older woman who encourages Durrell to adopt N’Pongo.She grows very fond of the gorilla, feeding him sweets on the couch when he stays with the Durrells in their house.
When Durrell decides to raise money to adopt N'Pongo, he calls his friend Hope for help. She assists him in calling wealthy islanders to ask for donations.
Jeremy is a zookeeper at the Jersey Zoo who contributes to N’Pongo’s care.
Major Domo
Major Domo is a wealthy man who contributes a large amount of money for N’Pongo’s purchase.