A Hope in the Unseen


Ron Suskind

One of Cedric’s teachers at Brown. When Cedric turns in an impassioned poem instead of the assigned analytical essay, Wakefield is forced to decide what to do. After much debate, he gives Cedric a B for his efforts but implores him to follow directions next time, as critical thinking and analytical writing are things he needs to learn now that he’s in college.

Larry Wakefield Quotes in A Hope in the Unseen

The A Hope in the Unseen quotes below are all either spoken by Larry Wakefield or refer to Larry Wakefield. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race, Racism, and Identity Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

“If you’re going to make it here, Cedric, you’ll have to find some distance from yourself and all you’ve been through. The key, I think, is to put your outrage in a place where you can get at it when you need to, but not have it bubble up so much, especially when you’re asked to embrace new ideas or explain what you observe to people who share none of your experiences.”

Related Characters: Larry Wakefield (speaker), Cedric Jennings
Page Number: 303
Explanation and Analysis:
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Larry Wakefield Quotes in A Hope in the Unseen

The A Hope in the Unseen quotes below are all either spoken by Larry Wakefield or refer to Larry Wakefield. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race, Racism, and Identity Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

“If you’re going to make it here, Cedric, you’ll have to find some distance from yourself and all you’ve been through. The key, I think, is to put your outrage in a place where you can get at it when you need to, but not have it bubble up so much, especially when you’re asked to embrace new ideas or explain what you observe to people who share none of your experiences.”

Related Characters: Larry Wakefield (speaker), Cedric Jennings
Page Number: 303
Explanation and Analysis: