A Hope in the Unseen


Ron Suskind

Cedric Jennings’s one and only friend throughout high school. Like Cedric, LaTisha is an outcast at Ballou, but this is mainly because she is overweight; while Cedric dreams of attending an Ivy League college, she is not interested in leaving Washington, D.C.; She attends the University of the District of Columbia, but drops out after her first year and ends up selling candy on the streets to raise money for a fundamentalist church she has joined. While LaTisha manages to stay away from drugs, violence, and teen pregnancy, she is a lost soul who does not know what to do with her life. At one point, when she and Cedric reconnect during his winter break from Brown, she realizes that she harbors romantic feelings for him, and even imagines herself finding God just so that she can be closer to Cedric. Unfortunately for her, while Cedric cares about LaTisha, he is too intensely focused on his college success to understand what she is going through, and he eventually leaves her behind, like everyone else from his childhood.

LaTisha Williams Quotes in A Hope in the Unseen

The A Hope in the Unseen quotes below are all either spoken by LaTisha Williams or refer to LaTisha Williams. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race, Racism, and Identity Theme Icon
Chapter 11 Quotes

“You don’t understand anything, LaTisha. He’s saying you take care of yourself. All right?”

“It don’t matter how you look, Cedric—it’s what’s inside, the spirit in you. That’s what matters, that’s what matters!”

“Listen to me! He’s saying you don’t let yourself go! All right?! You make yourself look as good as you can! You hear me? What I’m telling you—you just don’t let yourself go!”

Related Characters: Cedric Jennings (speaker), LaTisha Williams (speaker)
Page Number: 271
Explanation and Analysis:
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LaTisha Williams Quotes in A Hope in the Unseen

The A Hope in the Unseen quotes below are all either spoken by LaTisha Williams or refer to LaTisha Williams. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race, Racism, and Identity Theme Icon
Chapter 11 Quotes

“You don’t understand anything, LaTisha. He’s saying you take care of yourself. All right?”

“It don’t matter how you look, Cedric—it’s what’s inside, the spirit in you. That’s what matters, that’s what matters!”

“Listen to me! He’s saying you don’t let yourself go! All right?! You make yourself look as good as you can! You hear me? What I’m telling you—you just don’t let yourself go!”

Related Characters: Cedric Jennings (speaker), LaTisha Williams (speaker)
Page Number: 271
Explanation and Analysis: