‘And Women Must Weep’


Henry Handel Richardson

Dolly’s third dance partner of the evening is a gentleman who prefers to sit out of the dancing and watch the other attendees of the ball instead. He requires a lot of convincing by Auntie Cha and her lady-friend’s son to dance with Dolly. Dolly finds him ugly and rude. He gruffly informs her that he’s a poor dancer. He steps on her foot in the middle of the waltz, which flusters her and causes Dolly to make a mistake too. He tersely accepts her apology for her misstep.
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The Gentleman Character Timeline in ‘And Women Must Weep’

The timeline below shows where the character The Gentleman appears in ‘And Women Must Weep’. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
‘And Women Must Weep’
Social Pressures vs. Internal Desires Theme Icon
Women, Beauty Standards, and Patriarchy Theme Icon
...be glad because she knows that’s how she should act. Then Dolly dances with a gentleman who had been watching the ball without joining in himself. He speaks rudely, dances poorly,... (full context)