‘And Women Must Weep’


Henry Handel Richardson

The Young Boy Character Analysis

The young boy at the ball is Dolly’s last dance partner. While he dances with Dolly, he gapes openly at the belle of the ball, a different girl who has been deemed the prettiest and most popular at the dance. He dances badly and doesn’t wear gloves, but he doesn’t seem to care about his appearance or what other people think of him, even though other people call him a nuisance.
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The Young Boy Character Timeline in ‘And Women Must Weep’

The timeline below shows where the character The Young Boy appears in ‘And Women Must Weep’. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
‘And Women Must Weep’
Social Pressures vs. Internal Desires Theme Icon
Women, Beauty Standards, and Patriarchy Theme Icon
...she makes poor conversation. She worries she will seem unintelligent. Next, Dolly dances with a young boy , but he stares unabashedly at a different girl, the “belle of the ball,” the... (full context)