Another Brooklyn


Jacqueline Woodson

Jerome is August’s first boyfriend. Before August is even allowed to leave the family’s apartment in Brooklyn, Jerome sees her through the window and winks at her. Years later, they start dating even though he’s several years older. When August refuses to have sex with him, though, he dumps her and starts dating Sylvia—something that destroys Sylvia and August’s friendship. Shortly thereafter, Sylvia becomes pregnant with Jerome’s daughter.

Jerome Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by Jerome or refer to Jerome. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

I prayed that my own brain, fuzzy with clouded memory, would settle into a clarity that helped me to understand the feeling I got when I pressed my lips against my new boyfriend, Jerome, his shaking hands searching my body.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sister Loretta, Jerome
Page Number: 95
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Chapter 13 Quotes

When you’re fifteen, the world collapses in a moment, different from when you’re eight and you learn that your mother walked into water—and kept on walking.

When you’re fifteen, you can’t make promises of a return to the before place. Your aging eyes tell a different, truer story.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, August’s Mother, Jerome
Page Number: 150
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Jerome Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by Jerome or refer to Jerome. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

I prayed that my own brain, fuzzy with clouded memory, would settle into a clarity that helped me to understand the feeling I got when I pressed my lips against my new boyfriend, Jerome, his shaking hands searching my body.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sister Loretta, Jerome
Page Number: 95
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Chapter 13 Quotes

When you’re fifteen, the world collapses in a moment, different from when you’re eight and you learn that your mother walked into water—and kept on walking.

When you’re fifteen, you can’t make promises of a return to the before place. Your aging eyes tell a different, truer story.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, August’s Mother, Jerome
Page Number: 150
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