Another Brooklyn


Jacqueline Woodson

Sylvia’s Mother Character Analysis

Like Sylvia’s father, Sylvia’s mother is a strict and judgmental person who subjects August, Angela, and Gigi to severe scrutiny when they come to Sylvia’s house. Although Sylvia’s mother doesn’t say anything rude to them, the way she looks at them makes it clear that she disapproves of who they are and the way they present themselves, clearly feeling that they’re not good enough to be friends with her daughter.

Sylvia’s Mother Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by Sylvia’s Mother or refer to Sylvia’s Mother. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 9 Quotes

The parents questioned us. Who were our people? What did they do? How were our grades? What were our ambitions? Did we understand, her father wanted to know, the Negro problem in America? Did we understand it was up to us to rise above? His girls, he believed, would become doctors and lawyers. It’s up to parents, he said, to push, push, push.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, Gigi, Angela, Sylvia’s Father, Sylvia’s Mother
Page Number: 102
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Sylvia’s Mother Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by Sylvia’s Mother or refer to Sylvia’s Mother. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 9 Quotes

The parents questioned us. Who were our people? What did they do? How were our grades? What were our ambitions? Did we understand, her father wanted to know, the Negro problem in America? Did we understand it was up to us to rise above? His girls, he believed, would become doctors and lawyers. It’s up to parents, he said, to push, push, push.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, Gigi, Angela, Sylvia’s Father, Sylvia’s Mother
Page Number: 102
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