Another Brooklyn


Jacqueline Woodson

Sylvia’s Sister Character Analysis

Sylvia’s sister is, like her parents, a serious-minded young woman who has disdain for August, Angela, and Gigi. When she hears Sylvia laughing loudly with her friends one day, she bursts into the room and slaps her across the face, telling her not to act like “a dusty, dirty black American”—a phrase that indicates that she has internalized the very racism she and Sylvia’s father want to overcome through hard work.
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Sylvia’s Sister Character Timeline in Another Brooklyn

The timeline below shows where the character Sylvia’s Sister appears in Another Brooklyn. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 9 Sylvia’s house one day, the girls start laughing but abruptly stop when Sylvia’s older sister bounds into the room and slaps Sylvia across the face. As the girls look at... (full context)
...And yet, Sylvia’s life is challenging in other ways. After slapping her for laughing, her sister says, “Don’t try to act like a dusty, dirty black American.” Feeling close to Sylvia,... (full context)