Another Brooklyn


Jacqueline Woodson

Sister Loretta Character Analysis

August’s father has a romantic relationship with Sister Loretta while living in Brooklyn. After several years of bringing women home while his children sleep in the next room, August’s father settles into a routine with Sister Loretta, who introduces him to the Nation of Islam, cleans the family’s apartment, and teaches them which foods the Islamic religion deems acceptable to eat. She also prays with August and convinces her brother to join the Nation of Islam, eventually taking pride in the fact that she has helped take care of August’s father and his motherless children. However, August never embraces the Nation of Islam, at least not in the way that her father and brother do. Furthermore, as time passes, August’s father stops seeing Sister Loretta, though this doesn’t mean he completely leaves the Nation of Islam.

Sister Loretta Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by Sister Loretta or refer to Sister Loretta. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

I prayed that my own brain, fuzzy with clouded memory, would settle into a clarity that helped me to understand the feeling I got when I pressed my lips against my new boyfriend, Jerome, his shaking hands searching my body.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sister Loretta, Jerome
Page Number: 95
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Sister Loretta Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by Sister Loretta or refer to Sister Loretta. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

I prayed that my own brain, fuzzy with clouded memory, would settle into a clarity that helped me to understand the feeling I got when I pressed my lips against my new boyfriend, Jerome, his shaking hands searching my body.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sister Loretta, Jerome
Page Number: 95
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