Another Brooklyn


Jacqueline Woodson

August’s Father Character Analysis

August’s father is a man from Brooklyn who, when August and her brother are young children, lives with them and their mother (his wife) in Tennessee. A veteran who fought in the Vietnam War, August’s father has two missing fingers, though he never tells his children how he lost them. When his wife’s brother, Clyde, dies in the Vietnam War, though, he becomes increasingly unsettled with the environment in which his children are growing up, since August’s mother starts talking to her deceased brother. Finally, August’s father takes her and her brother to live in Brooklyn—though August refuses to acknowledge it, this is because her mother has committed suicide. In Brooklyn, August’s father works at a department store and he does what he can to keep the family financially afloat. As his children grow up, he dates women and brings them back to the apartment at night. Soon enough, though, he starts seeing a woman named Sister Loretta who convinces him to join the Nation of Islam. August’s father welcomes Sister Loretta into the family and teaches his children about the Islamic tradition. August’s brother takes to the religion, but August herself doesn’t derive the same sense of clarity from the practice that everyone else in her family does, so her father lets her do what she wants, refusing to force her into anything. He does, however, send August to a therapist from the Nation of Islam named Sister Sonja, who tries to help her process the fact that her mother is dead. This is the only form of support August’s father can offer, since he’s too preoccupied by his religious beliefs to help her with her personal problems. Two decades after August first leaves Brooklyn, she returns when her father is dying of liver cancer, staying in his apartment until he finally passes away.

August’s Father Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by August’s Father or refer to August’s Father. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Somehow, my brother and I grew up motherless yet halfway whole. My brother had the faith my father brought him to, and for a long time, I had Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi, the four of us sharing the weight of growing up Girl in Brooklyn, as though it was a bag of stones we passed among ourselves saying, Here. Help me carry this.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, Gigi, Angela, August’s Father, August’s Brother, August’s Mother
Page Number: 3
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As a child, I had not known the word anthropology or that there was a thing called Ivy League. I had not known that you could spend your days on planes, moving through the world, studying death […]. I had seen death in Indonesia and Korea. Death in Mauritania and Mongolia. I had watched the people of Madagascar exhume the muslin-wrapped bones of their ancestors, spray them with perfume and ask those who had already passed to the next place for their stories, prayers, blessings. I had been home a month watching my father die. Death didn’t frighten me. Not now. Not anymore.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Father, August’s Brother
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

In eastern Indonesia, families keep their dead in special rooms in their homes. Their dead not truly dead until the family has saved enough money to pay for the funeral. Until then, the dead remain with them, dressed and cared for each morning, taken on trips with the family, hugged daily, loved deeply.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Father, August’s Mother
Page Number: 16
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 2 Quotes

In the late morning, we saw the moving vans pull up. White people we didn’t know pulled the trucks with their belongings, and in the evenings, we watched them take long looks at the buildings they were leaving then climb into station wagons and drive away. A pale woman with dark hair covered her face with her hands as she climbed into the passenger side, her shoulders trembling.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Father, August’s Brother
Page Number: 21
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Chapter 7 Quotes

What’s in that jar, Daddy?

You know what’s in that jar.

You said it was ashes. But whose?

You know whose.


We buried Clyde.


This is memory.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Father (speaker), August’s Mother, Clyde
Related Symbols: The Urn
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis:
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August’s Father Quotes in Another Brooklyn

The Another Brooklyn quotes below are all either spoken by August’s Father or refer to August’s Father. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Somehow, my brother and I grew up motherless yet halfway whole. My brother had the faith my father brought him to, and for a long time, I had Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi, the four of us sharing the weight of growing up Girl in Brooklyn, as though it was a bag of stones we passed among ourselves saying, Here. Help me carry this.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, Gigi, Angela, August’s Father, August’s Brother, August’s Mother
Page Number: 3
Explanation and Analysis:
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As a child, I had not known the word anthropology or that there was a thing called Ivy League. I had not known that you could spend your days on planes, moving through the world, studying death […]. I had seen death in Indonesia and Korea. Death in Mauritania and Mongolia. I had watched the people of Madagascar exhume the muslin-wrapped bones of their ancestors, spray them with perfume and ask those who had already passed to the next place for their stories, prayers, blessings. I had been home a month watching my father die. Death didn’t frighten me. Not now. Not anymore.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Father, August’s Brother
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

In eastern Indonesia, families keep their dead in special rooms in their homes. Their dead not truly dead until the family has saved enough money to pay for the funeral. Until then, the dead remain with them, dressed and cared for each morning, taken on trips with the family, hugged daily, loved deeply.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Father, August’s Mother
Page Number: 16
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 2 Quotes

In the late morning, we saw the moving vans pull up. White people we didn’t know pulled the trucks with their belongings, and in the evenings, we watched them take long looks at the buildings they were leaving then climb into station wagons and drive away. A pale woman with dark hair covered her face with her hands as she climbed into the passenger side, her shoulders trembling.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Father, August’s Brother
Page Number: 21
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7 Quotes

What’s in that jar, Daddy?

You know what’s in that jar.

You said it was ashes. But whose?

You know whose.


We buried Clyde.


This is memory.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Father (speaker), August’s Mother, Clyde
Related Symbols: The Urn
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis: