Another Brooklyn


Jacqueline Woodson

Sister Sonja Character Analysis

Sister Sonja is a therapist whom August’s father finds through the Nation of Islam. Starting when August is 15, she has periodic appointments with Sister Sonja because August’s father doesn’t know how to address her silent grief. During these sessions, Sister Sonja tries to get August to talk about her mother, ultimately attempting to help her come to terms with the fact that her mother committed suicide.
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Sister Sonja Character Timeline in Another Brooklyn

The timeline below shows where the character Sister Sonja appears in Another Brooklyn. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
...15, August is quiet and moody, so her father sends her to a therapist named Sister Sonja . He found her through fellow members of the Nation of Islam; Sister Sonja herself... (full context)
...only just heard about Gigi. So awful. Were you there?” Next, August recalls sitting with Sister Sonja and she remembers telling her that she spent the majority of her childhood and adolescence... (full context)
Chapter 13
...her. Unsure of how to get through to her, then, August’s father brings her to Sister Sonja , who asks about her mother, though August is hesitant to discuss such matters. (full context)
Chapter 14
In a session with August, Sister Sonja asks her when she first realized that her mother died. Thinking this question over, August... (full context)
Chapter 16
...the water, where she looks out over the inky black surface. In retrospect, she remembers Sister Sonja ’s question about when August first realized her mother was dead, and though she’s tempted... (full context)