Before We Were Yours


Lisa Wingate

Hootsie Character Analysis

A young maid at Darren and Victoria Sevier’s home. Hootsie is also Zuma’s daughter. Hootsie initially doesn’t get along with Rill and Fern when they are adopted, but after the sisters run away Hootsie realizes that she likes having them around. Decades later, Hootsie helps maintain the quaint cottage where Judy Stafford, Rill, Fern, and Lark meet every Thursday to have sister time. Hootsie is the one who tells Avery Stafford the truth about Judy’s past—she was one of the twins Queenie delivered and believed was stillborn.

Hootsie Quotes in Before We Were Yours

The Before We Were Yours quotes below are all either spoken by Hootsie or refer to Hootsie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 23 Quotes

“I only took it fo’ safekeepin’,” the woman says. She hands me the tin piece and the papers separately. “That cross been Queenie’s, long time ago. Miss Judy write the other. It’s her story, but she never write the rest. They decide they all gon’ carry it to they graves, I guess. But I figure somebody might come askin’ one day. Secrets ain’t a healthy thang. Secrets ain’t a healthy thang, no matter how old they is. Sometimes the oldest secrets is the worst of all. You take yo’ grandmother to see Miss May. The heart still knows. It still know who it loves.”

Related Characters: Hootsie (speaker), Avery Judith Stafford , Rill Foss/May Weathers Crandall , Judy Myers Stafford, Mary Anne “Queenie” Anthony
Page Number: 296
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Hootsie Quotes in Before We Were Yours

The Before We Were Yours quotes below are all either spoken by Hootsie or refer to Hootsie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 23 Quotes

“I only took it fo’ safekeepin’,” the woman says. She hands me the tin piece and the papers separately. “That cross been Queenie’s, long time ago. Miss Judy write the other. It’s her story, but she never write the rest. They decide they all gon’ carry it to they graves, I guess. But I figure somebody might come askin’ one day. Secrets ain’t a healthy thang. Secrets ain’t a healthy thang, no matter how old they is. Sometimes the oldest secrets is the worst of all. You take yo’ grandmother to see Miss May. The heart still knows. It still know who it loves.”

Related Characters: Hootsie (speaker), Avery Judith Stafford , Rill Foss/May Weathers Crandall , Judy Myers Stafford, Mary Anne “Queenie” Anthony
Page Number: 296
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